Thanks for checking out our personal blog. Here, we write about what we're cooking, crafting, and otherwise doing with our lives. We hope you like it. If you're interested in learning more about our business, Crafty Broads, please visit www.craftybroads.com.

Monday, October 3, 2011

We Are Moving!

We've decided to migrate our blog over to the WordPress platform, and while we were at it, we thought we might as well move it to our actual website. So, from now on, it looks like this:

Pretty, no? Please update your bookmarks and whatnot. All the posts and comments have been moved over already, so you can revisit your favorites on much better looking pages over there if you like. They will also remained archived here indefinitely.

But if you want new content, you're gonna have to relocate. If you use a reader to get our blog, the new feed is here: http://www.craftybroads.com/blog/feed

If you usually click through from Facbook (via Networked Blogs) or Twitter, you should continue to see our posts pop up there. Note that they will come throught Crafty Broads twitter account from now on, in addition to Cindy's personal one.

The first new post will be going up this afternoon, so look out for it. Thanks for reading!

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