Thanks for checking out our personal blog. Here, we write about what we're cooking, crafting, and otherwise doing with our lives. We hope you like it. If you're interested in learning more about our business, Crafty Broads, please visit www.craftybroads.com.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A New Title!

It came to me in a flash of brilliance (while pondering what to blog about today.) What do you think of this:

cooking, sewing, laughing, talking, dreaming, fighting, making up a life

...thoughts? edits? too cheesy? help.

[p.s. to anyone who wandered over here from Lollygag Blog today... I'm not usually this short-winded and boring. Sorry. Please check the archives for something more exciting. Perhaps our very first post, which features one P.J. Schoeny, wedding officiant extraordinaire. Or some New England Clam Chowder? I have a feeling you're a bunch that might appreciate that.]

1 comment:

The Smarty Planner said...

I really like that, but then again, I'm a big Cheese ball! But it does have a nice ring to it!